On a stormy night at sea, young Frankie McKenna is an accidental stowaway aboard the William C Daldy, his father’s steam tug. Daldy is on a dangerous mission to save the Auckland Harbour Bridge. Listening to Daldy moan and groan, Frankie realises that the tug and his father are in serious trouble, but no one will listen. The fate of the entire crew rests with Frankie.
Will he have the courage to act alone?
Deodar is a problem child — a problem motor launch actually. She is loud and unruly. The other boats think she’s obnoxious — even the steam tug Daldy has trouble understanding her. But when young Frankie McKenna gets lost at sea, Deodar is called for the rescue.
Will her raucous ways help save the boy, or hurt him?

Something is wrong in Sandy Cove, very wrong. A storm has swept away the beach, the pier, and everyone’s hope — all but Katie McKenna’s. Katie has a plan to save the dying village, but no one will listen.
Can one girl, a rusty old barge, a butterfly, and an obsolete steam tug really make a difference?